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The old mindset gets hard to erase. Either way, they miss out on learning the truth and actually living it because if we say the word lifestyle, next word will be living it( which means actualizing it) and most definitely when we actualize, we reap out of our choices.



Choices - Box of tools

Lifestyle! Lifestyle! Lifestyle! It’s holistic and closely tied to the development and progress of Mankind. Let’s look at it as several roads that lead to different destinations depending on which one an individual picks. Sounds captivating and thrilling because one would be eager to know what unfolds on the particular one they picked. With all the information outlets we currently have, major ones being media and internet, influence on the choice of lifestyle is on a higher scale. It has gotten to a point of picking a lifestyle because the majority are living it and not necessarily an inner conviction of ‘if I pick this particular one, am going to benefit holistically’.

The sad truth about this is that, if one picks the wrong kind, they come to face the disadvantages later after being deeply immersed into it. Why is this? They picked under influence (which is what majorly happens). A few questions we ought to ask ourselves when it comes to the lifestyle we choose (which is directly linked to the following; health, finances, nutrition, spirituality, social life, self-management, etc.) include; Why this path? Where does it lead? How aware or informed am I concerning it? Are there those who’ve walked it before and if yes what are they saying? These are questions we ignore when deciding what kind of lifestyle we desire.

Now I do understand that a child doesn’t pick where he or she is born. Depending on the family they find themselves in, they adapt to the particular lifestyle presented before them. As a child, it’s a “no choice” scenario because they have no adult will to learn and decide. So whatever path they find themselves in sticks with them till adulthood where they now become in charge of their own lives. This is the tricky part, some childhood scenarios don’t present a good lifestyle teaching so you get a particular child carries it to adulthood. It becomes part of them that they cannot let go even if the truth was presented to them.

The old mindset gets hard to erase. Either way, they miss out on learning the truth and actually living it because if we say the word lifestyle, next word will be living it( which means actualizing it) and most definitely when we actualize, we reap out of our choices.

This should open our eyes that it’s just not about picking a lifestyle of the various sections of our lives, but we ought to also remember that there is the reaping face. Each particular lifestyle we choose has a direct impact on us, if we juggle this for a moment it would sound like ‘you choose, it directly bounces back to you,‘ a fact that many forget. If it comes with baggage, it’s the one who chooses that carries it. If it has benefits then most definitely the individual wins. It’s all about choice. It’s always thrilling to decide but many don’t maneuver through the choices before deciding.

Therefore we have to develop the kind of mindset that reminds us choices have consequences and when it comes to lifestyle, there could be long term consequences so we have to be very careful on the kinds we settle on.